From FOnline: Aftertimes
Common Abbreviations
- AB - Action Boy
- AC - Armor Class
- AG - Agility
- AP - Action Points, or Armor Piercing
- APA - Advanced Power Armor
- APK - Anti Player-Killer, those who fight against tyranny (as opposed to PK, or Player-Killer)
- AR - Assault Rifle, or Adrenaline Rush
- Ares - Ares Rocket Silo
- BC - Better Criticals
- BG - Barter Grounds, or Big Guns, or Boneyard Guard perk.
- BH - Broken Hills
- BRD - Bonus Ranged Damage
- BRoF - Bonus Rate of Fire
- CA - Combat Armor
- CA MKII - Combat Armor Mark II
- CA2 - An even shorter abbreviation for Combat Armor Mark II
- CC - Close Combat
- CH - Charisma
- CLJ - Combat Leather Jacket
- CtH - Chance to Hit
- CW - Carry Weight
- DCA - Desert Combat Armor
- DR - Damage Resistance
- DT - Damage Threshold
- EMC - Even More Criticals
- EN - Endurance
- ET - Even Tougher
- EW - Energy Weapons
- FA - First Aid skill
- FCC - Fuel Cell Controller
- FEV - Forced Evolutionary Virus
- FLC - Friendly Lending Company, the bank located in some towns
- FoV - Field of View
- GR - Gunrunners
- HC - Hit Chance
- HH - Heavy Handed
- HP - Hit Points
- HPA - Hardened Power Armor
- HR - Healing Rate
- HtG - Hit the Gaps
- HtH - Hand-to-Hand aka Close Combat
- IG - Iron Grip
- IN - Intelligence
- IRL - In Real Life
- IYF - In Your Face!
- LA - Living Anatomy, or Los Angeles area aka Boneyard
- LG - Lifegiver
- LK - Luck
- LP - Lockpick skill
- LR - Laser Rifle
- MA - Metal Armor
- MA2 - Metal Armor Mark II
- MC - More Criticals
- MoS - Man of Steel
- MPF - Mega Power Fist
- MRD - More Ranged Damage
- NCR - New California Republic but commonly refers to Shady Sands
- NR - New Reno
- NRA - New Reno Arms, a guns store in New Reno
- OD - Outdoorsman skill
- OoC - Out of Character, as in text chat in brown color via /O, one of the In-Game Chat options
- PA - Power Armor
- PC - Player Character. Not the player, but any one of a player's in-game characters.
- PE - Perception
- PK - Player-Killer, those who murder others (as opposed to APK, or Anti Player-Killer)
- PP - Party Points
- PvE - Player versus Environment
- PvP - Player versus Player
- Pyro - Pyromaniac
- QP - Quick Pockets
- QR - Quick Recovery
- rAP - Recharge Action Points
- RBtE - Right Between the Eyes
- RL - Rocket Launcher, or Real Life (IRL above)
- RoF - Rate of Fire when Shooting
- RP - Role-Play
- RR - Radiation Resistance
- RT - Real-Time (mode) as opposed to TB below
- SAD - Sierra Army Depot
- SD - Silent Death
- SF - San Francisco
- SG - Stealth Girl
- SPECIAL - Combination of Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck.
- SR - Silent Running
- SS - Shady Sands commonly called NCR
- ST - Strength
- TB - Turn-Based (mode), as opposed to RT above
- TC - Town Control
- TH - Treasure Hunter
- TP - Themepark
- TPR - Turbo Plasma Rifle
- VC - Vault City
- VCP - Vault City Patrols
- WH - Warehouse or sometimes Weapon Handling
- WW - Waterworks