Carry Weight

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A character's Carry weight defines the amount of equipment they can carry, measured in kilograms. Your character's carry weight is determined by their strength. To increase your carry weight without modifying your character's strength, you can take the support Pack Rat perk , Strong Back perk or use crafted Armors with bonus to Your carry weight. These will allow you to carry more equipment. You are able to exceed your Carry Weight (up to 200% CW), but you will be unable to run.

Note: Although Carry Weight is calculated in kilograms, the perk descriptions are expressed in pounds. A pound is equal to approximately 0.45 kilograms.

Weight Limit Base Formula

Your character's base maximum carry weight is calculated using the following formula:

  • [(25+(Strength*25))/2.2]+20. An average character with a Strength equal to 5 will be able to carry 87 kilograms. A character with 10 Strength will be able to carry 144 kilograms.

Small Frame Trait

If your character has the Small Frame trait, then your base carry weight calculated as follows:

  • [(25+(Strength*15))/2.2]+20 kilograms. An average character with a Strength equal to 5 will be able to carry 65 kilograms.

Carry weight Limit Table

Strength Non-Small Frame
Base Carry Weight
+Strong Back
+Pack Rat (+33%)
Small Frame
Base Carry Weight
+Strong Back
+Pack Rat (+33%)
1 42
64 (+ 22)
85 (+33%)
60 (+ 22)
80 (+33%)
2 53
75 (+ 22)
100 (+33%)
66 (+ 22)
88 (+33%)
3 65
87 (+ 22)
116 (+33%)
73 (+ 22)
97 (+33%)
4 76
98 (+ 22)
130 (+33%)
80 (+ 22)
106 (+33%)
5 87
99 (+ 22)
132 (+33%)
87 (+ 22)
116 (+33%)
6 99
121 (+ 22)
161 (+33%)
94 (+ 22)
125 (+33%)
7 110
132 (+ 22)
176 (+33%)
100 (+ 22)
133 (+33%)
8 121
143 (+ 22)
190 (+33%)
107 (+ 22)
142 (+33%)
9 133
155 (+ 22)
206 (+33%)
114 (+ 22)
152 (+33%)
10 144
166 (+ 22)
221 (+33%)
121 (+ 22)
161 (+33%)


If your character manages to pick up more equipment than their carry weight (this can happen often while mining or crafting), your character will only be able to walk. If you carry too much over your maximum carry limit, you will not be able to move at all.

Note that sometimes your current carry weight and maximum carry weight will be equal, but you will still be slowed down. This is because your carry weight in your inventory is shown in kilograms, rounding to the nearest whole number and does not show the number of additional grams you may be carrying. This causes your weight to appear to be lower than it actually is. For example, your inventory may show 150/150 kilograms, however the weight of all equipment you're carrying could be 150.4/150 kilograms.