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Revision as of 09:27, 15 April 2017

Reroll is a feature that allows you to recreate a character so that its Levels are retained for reuse by a new character. When you Reroll, you delete an existing character which produces a Book of Achievement in its place. Then re-register a new character with the same or different name, choose the SPECIALs, and the tag skills. Once he's in the game, get the Book of Achievement and "use" it to reclaim the Levels of the deleted character. This will allow you to re-distribute new Skill Points and to choose new Perks as you go, one chapter of the book at a time.

NOTE: If you use a character with Intelligence 10 to level up to level 30, and plan to Reroll him and use his Book of Achievement on a new character with only Intelligence 1 for example, you do not get the same amount of Skill Points. You only get the same amount of Levels, and whatever Skill Points the new character gets from his Intelligence.

Rerolling is a popular way to more quickly level up additional characters using a "Leveling Build", with Swift Learner and Loner, to reach a target level.

Words of Warning

  • Rerolling only works if the deleted character had 10k caps in his inventory at the time of deletion.
  • Rerolling a character is a permanent and irreversible decision, though you can Reroll a character more than once
  • Rerolling a character gives back that character's Levels only.
  • The new character gets a new ID, and the original character's ID is lost
  • Support perks are lost, so the new character will need to get some of them again
  • Professions are lost
  • Blueprints which the character learned are lost
  • Surgically installed Implants are lost
  • Skill Books read by the deleted character are lost
  • Items in the deleted character's inventory are lost
  • Followers are lost
  • Reputation gets reset
  • Kill counts and quest progress are lost
  • Faction membership is lost. The deleted character will be automatically disassociated with whatever faction he was in. This can cause major problems if he was the leader of a faction. Leadership can be claimed by someone else in that faction if there is at least one member there promoted beyond "Recruit".
  • All Tent, Safe House, and faction base map markers get erased, although the tents themselves do not get removed. To see them again, maps need to be created in advance of the Reroll, and left where the new character can find them.
  • Discovered public locations that are hidden by default, like train stations, will be hidden again.

To Use

To Reroll a character, use the ~deleteself command while standing in a tent/house/base and while having at least 10,000 caps in that character's inventory. Wait 3 minutes for full logout, or deletion does not happen. Be careful! The ~deleteself command permanently deletes a character.

If done correctly, you will see the following text message:

INFO: You will receive Achievement Book after your character disappears from game.

After that character is deleted, a Book of Achievement will appear on the ground in that same hex where the deleted character was last standing. That book can then be used on a new Level-1 character to gain the levels of your deleted character. The book will disappear when used completely. Obviously, it can't be used on more than one character.

Note The only way this works is if the deleted character is higher than Level 1, and the new character is exactly level 1.

The new Level-1 character picks up the book and "Uses" it. This instantly levels him up once. Distribute Skill Points and use the book again over and over until the new character has all of the Levels of the deleted character. You do this one level at a time, and choose Perks along the way.

Reported Mistakes and Common Errors

Many players have made mistakes in the process of Rerolling. GameMasters likely cannot help you in any way, so pay attention to details when Rerolling. Here is a list of the common problems - please try to avoid these mistakes:

  • Don't forget to place exactly 10,000 bottle caps in your inventory.
  • Any lower amount of caps in your inventory will not work. 9,999 caps won't work!
  • Make sure to be in your tent or base when doing a Reroll. Otherwise, the Book of Achievement will not spawn and the character's achievements will be lost.
  • Whenever you log out or delete a character, it will remain in-game in logout mode for a few minutes, inactive. During this time, make sure nobody kills the character or steals the 10k caps from his inventory.
  • Be sure nobody pushes your character off of the map during his logoff cooldown. The Book of Achievement will only appear if there is no such interference.
  • Make sure the character does not die from poison or radiation during the last few moments.
  • Pay close attention to which character you are deleting/re-rolling.

IMPORTANT: When using a Book of Achievement to level up a new character, be very careful to distribute Skill Points as you go. The Skill Points queue only holds a maximum of 99 at a time, so it is possible to use the book too many times and exceed this limit. If that happens, you end up with fewer Skill Points for that character because the overage is immediately lost. The same thing happens when you're leveling a character in the normal way - distribute Skill Points before that pile up too much. Don't let the Skill Point queue reach 99 as you level up!