"FOnlineAT.cfg" is a configuration file for various FOnline: Aftertimes specific features that don't exist in vanilla Fallout 2 such as data files loading, on-screen cooldowns and more. This file is not created by the installer or FOConfig and is not required to run the game. If the file cannot be found in the FOnline directory, default values are used.
Articles in this category describe each section of configuration file.
Remember, FOnlineAT.cfg is NOT a replacement of "FOnline.cfg."
FOnlineAT.cfg uses very simple INI-like format to configure various settings and features.
Basic configuration example
[AfterTimes] DisplayNames=true
- Lines starting with hash ("#"), semicolon (";") are ignored (may be used as comments)
- If file starts with UTF-8 BOM, it's simply stripped from first line
Settings types
Sets value to true or false. To set value to true, use one of following:
- true
- yes
- on
- 1
Everything else sets value to false
CampOnWorldmap=0 NeverUseAlts=true
Accepts values in RGB format. If specified, additional argument is used as alpha value.
Green=0 255 0 Red=255 0 0 NotSoRed=255 0 0 50
Number can be signed (-1207, 0, 1337, etc.) or unsigned (0, 1337, etc; if negative value is given, it defaults to 0).
LuckyNumber=7 BluesuitsKilled=5000 MyBarterSkill=-5
Used for setting up to two values at once. If only one number is used, it's assumed that second one should have same value. If two values are used, second cannot be lower than first. Number(s) can be signed or unsigned (see number).
AlwaysSameThing=22 JoggingTimeMinutes=15 120
Accepts any text You specify.
BadBoy=Metzger GoodBoy=Harold and his tree
Allows to filter some of messages sent to client. Possible values:
- head
Message will be visible over head of character only - msgbox
Message will be visible in message box only - both
Message will be visible over head of character and message box.
Everything else will make message ignored.
SomethingShort=both VeryLongMessage=head