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Imp endurance.png
Modifies Hit Points, Poison Resistance, Radiation resistance, Healing Rate
Related perks Gain Endurance
Related traits todo

Stamina and physical toughness. A character with a high Endurance will survive where others may not. Modifies: Hit Points, Poison Resistance, Radiation Resistance, Healing Rate, and the additional hit points per level.

Note: Your Endurance can be permanently increased by 1 point with an implant, unless it is already 10, the maximum.

Drugs that affect Endurance


High Endurance is essential if you don't plan on using a sneak or sniper build. It also influences your resistance against knockdowns and the power of incoming critical damage. You won't be able to get any Lifegiver perks if your registered endurance is below 5. Tank fighters typically have maxed endurance, and any character with 6 endurance or less is considered somewhat fragile. 7 endurance is needed to get all 3 Lifegiver perks.

See the HP table